Getting Started with Prepping

To be prepared, you must have a way to survive no matter what happens.

I believe a catastrophe of some sort is coming. It might be a pandemic, or an EMP from a nuclear explosion in the low atmosphere, or a terrorist attack that shuts down the gird, or a declaration of martial law for whatever reason.

I lean toward a collapse of the food supply as the growing season gets shorter at each end and food shortages occur as we experience crop failures. The growing seasons are already getting shorter in the northern hemisphere, by the way, although we are not hearing about it from the main stream media. Our sun is sliding into a grand solar minimum as the sunspots disappear. The warming that occurred as the Little Ice Age ended is over, and we are heading back into a colder period that may last twenty or thirty or forty years. A colder planet means less food.

Over the next few months, I will be sharing what I have learned about being prepared. I’m going to start with gardening since that is a basic skill anyone can learn. There is no such thing as a green thumb (or a black thumb!) Some people can read plants. They know what’s making them happy; they notice when something’s not right. You can learn to do that if you choose to.

I am not afraid of whatever is coming because Almighty God, the creator and sovereign ruler of the universe, the Lord Jesus Christ, is my savior. And that is my most important preparation.

The herb garden by the back door